Tuesday, April 27, 2010

8 months!

Yesterday was Noah's 8 month birthday :) Hard to believe that much time has already passed!


Oh my, I hate teething. Probably more than Noah does. He's been CRANKY as hell lately. On April 22nd his first tooth (bottom left) popped through. Today his bottom right showed up. Poor little guy. I can't get a picture of them...he won't really even let me look at them. I just have to feel around in his mouth. lol. But this is what he feels like:

Monday, April 5, 2010

6 & 7 month photos

Easter and a cold

We had to take Noah to the pediatrician today. He's been coughing and it sounds really rattly. Wanted to make sure he wasn't coming down with pneumonia or something terrible. Thankfully it's just a cold. I feel so sad for him....he doesn't feel good at all. The runny/stuffed up nose is making it hard for him to nurse. Hope he recovers quickly!

Here's a pic from his first Easter:

We went to church and he had a great time looking around at all the people, listening to the music, and watching the ceiling fans. lol. We ate lunch with my mom and later we had dinner with Brian's parents. It was a good day!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Noah pooped in his potty for the first time today!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cutest baby ever

Taken by Julie Moon


Yesterday Noah peed in his baby potty EIGHT times!! The kid is a genius. Whenever he gets fussy I just put him on the potty and voila. He's also realllllly close to crawling.

On Tuesday I took him to the pediatrician for his 7 month vaccines and he weighed in at 22 lbs 4 oz. BIG BOY!!!

We also went to the Yellow River Game Ranch a couple weeks ago. Noah enjoyed looking at the goats and bears.


