Sunday, November 28, 2010

15 months!


We've had a busy, busy month! Noah, my mom, my aunt Janet, and I flew down to Sarasota on November 17th. My cousin Todd and his fiance, Tracy, had a baby girl on October 19th and named her Teresa Gail after their moms. :) She's SO cute!

We also got to hang out with my cousin Kim a lot which was fun. Hadn't seen her in ages. We took Noah to a jungle garden place and he loved seeing all the animals. We also went out for Japanese food to celebrate Kim's birthday with a ton of other family and friends and it was really fun. Sadly, Noah came down with a stomach bug on our last day and threw up all over our hotel bed, at breakfast, in the car, on the plane, etc. Poor guy.

We had a good Thanksgiving...can't believe it was Noah's second one already. We ate at the Tucker's house and my mom and Eileen did all the work. China and Nik joined us which was nice.

Today we decided it was time for Noah's first haircut. It was totally outta control and everyone kept mistaking him for a girl! We took him to Halfpint Haircuts and they did a great job! He was freaked out and screamed almost the whole time....poor thing! They gave us a little bag full of his curls for his baby book. Awww.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Napping with his Braves baseball bat:

So, yesterday I heard water coming out of the refrigerator and looked over to find this:

LOL. At least he's imitating a healthy behavior! He actually managed to get water into the bottle and drink some. I was like, "Holy crap! My kid's a genius!" hehe.

His seventh tooth broke through on November 5th. It's his 2nd bottom right tooth. He was not a happy camper that day.

Today we met Shannon and Max at the park and the boys walked all over the place. So cute to see them toddling around.

Noah also said "dada" over and over today. And we took two baths which he loved. Think that's his favorite activity now. Never thought I'd see this day.