Thursday, December 2, 2010

15 month check up

We went to the pediatrician on 11/30 and Noah weighed 27.8 lbs and was 32.7 inches long. He got two shots (Polio and HIB) and did great.

New bat!

Some Noah facts

Noah loves to give Max hugs during our playdates. :) And he's great at sharing toys!

He also:

-loves to pant like a dog and do "horse lips"
-laughs hysterically if you tickle his sides
-really enjoys picking his nose
-opens his mouth and shows us his food at dinnertime
-still wakes up every 3-4 hours at night to nurse
-cracks me up by saying stuff like "bob, bob, boooooooob, bob" at 3:00 am
-loves bath time with mommy.
-can't get enough of the books "Where's Spot?" and "Doggies"
-loves yogurt, string cheese, golden grahams, clementines, strawberries, grapes, basically any fruit
-is not a big fan of meat unless it's a Chick-fil-A nugget
-is obsessed with baseball
-turns every toy into a bat
-used his blankie as a bat while nursing to sleep one night
-gets super excited when daddy comes home from work
-loves going to the park and especially loves seeing the ducks
-takes my keys out of my purse and tries to open the front door
-waves to everyone
-dances really well and can get low
-takes most of his naps in the car seat
-is a really laid back dude until he's tired, mad, hungry, hot, cold, etc then WATCH OUT.