Wednesday, March 16, 2011

February sucked and other things

Noah got his first sinus infection at the beginning of February. It was so horrible...yellow snot flowing out of his nose faster than I could wipe it away. Then Brian got a sinus infection and double ear infection. A few days later I got a cold. Then Noah got an ear infection (right ear) and Brian relapsed with bronchitis. Right as he got better I got a sinus infection. I mean, really? I'm surprised we all survived. There was so much snot and crankiness in this house. Brian and Noah were both on antibiotics twice. I never went to the doc so I escaped them and healed on my own. SO glad we're all well now!

All of Noah's molars are in and we think he's working on his lower canines. He hasn't been sleeping well the past few nights.

Today I took him in for his 18 month vaccines (Chickenpox and DTaP). Hate seeing him in pain. :( But he was a trooper and then we went to Panera for lunch. I got him a cookie for dessert which he loved.

He's been trying to talk for weeks now. Babbling on and on. The other day he said "Uh wuh yu!" after I said "I love you." :) So precious. And he's been blowing kisses to all the women we see out and about. He's winning a lot of hearts.

Still pooping exclusively in the potty which is awesome. He would probably successfully pee on the potty every time if I left his diaper off. Once it warms up some more I'm going to try that.

We made a floor bed for him next to our bed and it's so comfy. He really likes it. I nurse him down on it and then get to hang out with Brian for a couple hours before bed. He usually wakes up between 11pm and 1am at which point I just bring him into our bed. If I'm too tired to stay up we just go to bed together in "the big bed."

We watched a Braves spring training game today and he was pretending to bat. So cute. He still looooooves baseball. Can't wait til he can play t-ball.

Also, when I give him food that he really likes he says "mmmmm!!!!!!!!!" hehe. And he's still nursing!!

playing with trains!

looking at the flamingos at the zoo

playing "hoccer"

hugging the lorax

watching the Braves