Friday, September 23, 2011

It's another BOY!

We went to Baby's First Images on 9/17 (Brian's birthday!) to find out the sex of baby Tucker #2. The ultrasound tech put the transducer on my belly and we could tell he was a boy within about three seconds. Haha. Not shy at all. He looks JUST like Noah to me. Grandma Dewey and Grammy tried to keep Noah happy during the ultrasound but he got nervous and upset. At one point he held my hand which was really cute. Then they took him to the waiting room to play. Check out these pics and video:

My last prenatal appt was on 9/15 and everything looked good. His heart beat was 144 bpm. My mom and Noah got to hear the heart beat and Noah has been calling him the "heart baby" ever since. He also likes to hug my belly and say "hi, baby." Couldn't get much cuter.

I'm currently 16 weeks 5 days and weigh 133.5 lbs. Started off at 127. Not too bad. Hoping I don't get up to 191 like I did with Noah! Yikes.