Thursday, April 23, 2009

Big boy

Had another visit with the midwife today! She measured the fundal height (the distance between the pubic bone and the top of the uterus) and said I'm measuring in at 24 weeks - one week ahead. Which would make my due date more like August 13th. So we'll see what happens...I'd be happy if he came early but I'm not holding my breath. My blood pressure was 100/58 which seems really low to me but they said it was normal. At least it's not high! Also while she was trying to find his heartbeat with Doppler he kicked her. Funny.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gifts from Mimi Judy!

Thank you mom! Here are the pics:

Graco MetroLite Birkshire

Graco SafeSeat Birkshire

Brian put the stroller together while Midas ran around the house freaking out. He thinks we're gonna put him in it! Anyhow, I'm very happy with both items and can't wait to see Noah in them :-)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

23ish weeks

Noah's been flipping around a lot lately...I still get kicked really low but I'm also feeling them up above my belly button now, too. Brian got to feel a big kick earlier and that was cute :-) Right now I'm sitting on the couch with headphones on my belly. He's listening to some classical music for babies that I checked out from the library. Hope he likes it! Also, here's a current pic of the belly:

I have another prenatal appt on Thursday so we'll see how much weight I've gained...oh lawd!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Noah weighs a whole pound!

I headed out to my anatomy scan this morning by myself. Poor Brian had a stomach bug and couldn't leave the house :-( It went really well, though. We saw the four chambers in the heart, the diaphragm, two kidneys, his bladder, the boy parts, his brain, etc. He was moving a lot, throwing his arms up by his head and bouncing around as usual. Heart beat still going strong at 151 bpm. He was in a breech position, which explains why I've been feeling kicks lower in my belly. Apparently a lot of babies are breech at this point since they still have so much room to move around.

I also found out I have an anterior placenta, which means it's attached to the front wall of the uterus. This is probably helping to buffer a lot of his kicks, but I still feel them pretty regularly. I know ultrasounds aren't too accurate in predicting the due date once you get farther along in the pregnancy, but according to today's scan he's measuring 21 weeks 4 days which would make the due date August 16th. He'll probably come on August 22nd (Mark's wedding day) just because that's how life is, right? ;-)

Here are the pics from today:


Boy parts (on the right hand side)

