Thursday, April 9, 2009

Noah weighs a whole pound!

I headed out to my anatomy scan this morning by myself. Poor Brian had a stomach bug and couldn't leave the house :-( It went really well, though. We saw the four chambers in the heart, the diaphragm, two kidneys, his bladder, the boy parts, his brain, etc. He was moving a lot, throwing his arms up by his head and bouncing around as usual. Heart beat still going strong at 151 bpm. He was in a breech position, which explains why I've been feeling kicks lower in my belly. Apparently a lot of babies are breech at this point since they still have so much room to move around.

I also found out I have an anterior placenta, which means it's attached to the front wall of the uterus. This is probably helping to buffer a lot of his kicks, but I still feel them pretty regularly. I know ultrasounds aren't too accurate in predicting the due date once you get farther along in the pregnancy, but according to today's scan he's measuring 21 weeks 4 days which would make the due date August 16th. He'll probably come on August 22nd (Mark's wedding day) just because that's how life is, right? ;-)

Here are the pics from today:


Boy parts (on the right hand side)



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