Wednesday, May 20, 2009

27 weeks

I had my glucose challenge test this morning. Kept hearing horror stories about how nasty the drink was and the stomach ache that came with drinking it. Well, mine was lemon-lime flavored and not bad at all. I just felt like I had eaten too much candy or something. They took my blood an hour later...hopefully I passed. My blood pressure was 107/61 and I've gained 26 lbs total. I'm also measuring 27 weeks so I'm right on track. My midwife doesn't think I'll be having a 10 pounder. Hope she's right! :-) Noah is a good boy and is already head down...she tried to let me feel where his head was but I couldn't tell what I was feeling. Still cool though. Last night I woke up to pee (as usual) and it felt like he was doing somersaults in there. In other news, my right boob has started leaking which is just lovely. TMI?