Tuesday, July 28, 2009

37 weeks

Just realized it's been two months since I posted last. Woops, sorry about that. Everything is going well...just getting bigger by the day. I've gained 40 lbs so far and my feet are hugely swollen! Shoo. Saw the midwife today and my blood pressure was 96/62, the baby's heartbeat was 140 bpm and I was measuring at 37 weeks. Think I'm starting to drop a bit because it's getting easier to breathe and I'm feeling some pressure/cramping down low. Whatcha think? Could be wishful thinking.

Noah's nursery is coming along. Brian is almost done putting the dresser together. We just need to hang the pictures. Most recent pic:

and his closet:

Also, instead of birthing at North Fulton we'll now be at Atlanta Medical. The awesome midwives I've been seeing have started their own practice down there. There will be three birthing tubs set up so hopefully I can still give water birth a shot.

I only have 14 days of library work left (unless bebe comes early) and I can't wait to escape from the crazy public :-) Although I'll definitely miss most of my coworkers and a few of our really cool customers.

Guess that's all for now...

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