Sunday, May 30, 2010

9 months!

Noah turned 9 months old on 5/26...and got his first bee sting that day :( Went out to check the mail and I felt the bee buzz by my hair right before Noah started SCREAMING. I felt so terrible. Rushed him inside, washed it, put a baking soda/water mixture on it, gave him some tylenol, let him nurse, and gave him a bath. Luckily the swelling quickly went away. I could tell it still hurt a lot even the next day, though. Poor little guy. Freakin' bees.

Took him to his 9 mo check up at the pediatrician on 5/28 and he weighed 23lbs 6 oz and was 29.1 inches long. He got the first round of polio vaccine and they checked his iron level. It was over 12 which is good! He cried a LOT and it broke my heart. Being a mommy is hard!

Yesterday we went to our third baby sign language class and had fun. We're learning a lot. We also went to Chili's for dinner with China and Nik. I ordered a kid's meal for Noah and he ate almost the entire thing! He had some delicious grilled chicken and mashed potatoes. I also gave him a few little bites of our molten chocolate cake which he loved of course ;-)

Grammy Eileen bought him a walker and he loves it...chases Midas all over the house. So funny to watch!

Oh! I also took him to the pool for the first time on 5/20 and he wasn't too thrilled at first. I think the water was just too cold. He ended up splashing around and having fun toward the end. Gonna take him again when it gets warmer.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Tonight we were reading Goodnight Moon when Noah pointed to a kitty and said "itty!" He's in love with Midas and when I say "kitty!" his eyes light up and he starts looking around for him. :)

Also we started taking baby sign language classes last weekend. We've been practicing a little...can't wait til he catches on!

AND I haven't changed a poopy diaper in over a month since he only goes in his potty now!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

big boy

Noah began army crawling on Mother's Day (5/9)...I swear all his milestones fall on holidays! Guess he's making it easy for mommy to remember.

Today I bought him a booster seat. He can get out of the bumbo now and I didn't want a big high chair that would just take up a bunch of room. He loves it!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010