Friday, July 16, 2010

27 lbs.

Noah weighs 27 lbs and is wearing 24 month sized clothes now! No wonder my arms and back hurt.

His new wake up time is 6:45 am and it's killin' me. Guess it's payback for dragging him along for all my long walks. China and I have been walking 6 miles most mornings at the Suwanee Greenway. He does great...just sits back, eats some snacks, takes in nature, and naps every now and then.

He recently started saying MAMA MAMA! So cute.

He's also constantly blowing raspberries. And still pooping in his potty. Oh, and he randomly hates meat now. Mostly just likes red fruit. Watermelon, strawberries, tomato, cherries, etc. He doesn't care for avocado anymore, either. :(

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