Sunday, August 15, 2010

Travels etc.

We've been busy, busy, busy! My mom, Noah, and I went to Pensacola, Florida at the end of July to hang out with China and her parents. They rented an AWESOME condo overlooking the gulf. Noah hated the beach. Screeeeeeeeeamed when we put his feet in the sand. LOL. We were happy to see the oil spill didn't affect the beautiful water. Saw a couple small oil slicks but that's all.

A few days after we got home from Florida we drove up to Virginia with Brian's mom (aka Grammy). Stayed at Grandpa's house and got to visit with all the cousins and 2 year old Claire. She and Noah were so cute together!

Noah's upper lateral incisor teeth broke through while we were in VA and it was not fun. They're still causing him a lot of pain and he's been a real peach to deal with!

He's also learned how to turn on the bathtub faucet. And flush the toilet.

Yesterday we went to a cookout hosted by ASI at Lake Lanier Islands. Noah fell asleep on our way home and I was actually able to bring him in from the car and lay him down in his crib without waking him! He slept there for 40 minutes. It was so weird, lol.

His first birthday party is going to be next Saturday, August 21st! It's going to be baseball themed and the cake is really cute. I'll definitely post pics.

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