Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tuckerling #2

My LMP was 5/26/11.
First found out I was pregnant at Shannon's house on 6/23/11.
According to ovulation tests I'm pretty sure we conceived on 6/12/11.
Had a consultation with the home birth midwives (Debbie Pulley and Kay Johnson) on 7/14/11.
Had my first prenatal appt today (8/18/11) and we heard the heart beat! 164 bpm.
I thought I first felt some movement at 10 weeks.
Started feeling nauseous right at 6 weeks. It's been 24/7 and is still going strong. Have thrown up a few times but not nearly as much as last time!
Have a feeling it's a girl but I had the same feeling with Noah. ;-)
Next appt is 9/15.
Will have an ultrasound around 20 weeks. If baby cooperates we'll find out the sex!

11 weeks

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

So sweet.

Noah just kissed my belly, then put his hand on it and said "awww, hi baby!"

Monday, August 15, 2011


We just got back from our annual summer trip to Virginia. Stayed with Brian's Grandpa (the kids call him Bebe) and got to visit Uncle Greg, Aunt Patti, Uncle Peter, Kristin, Claire, Deirdre, and Mike. Noah had a blast swimming, playing with Teddy the dog, going crazy with Claire, and riding a choo-choo train. The nine hour car ride just about killed him each way but he did surprisingly well for a two year old. Lots of whining but that was expected. Here's a pic from the trip:

and a video from the car:

7/26/11 - 23 months old