Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tuckerling #2

My LMP was 5/26/11.
First found out I was pregnant at Shannon's house on 6/23/11.
According to ovulation tests I'm pretty sure we conceived on 6/12/11.
Had a consultation with the home birth midwives (Debbie Pulley and Kay Johnson) on 7/14/11.
Had my first prenatal appt today (8/18/11) and we heard the heart beat! 164 bpm.
I thought I first felt some movement at 10 weeks.
Started feeling nauseous right at 6 weeks. It's been 24/7 and is still going strong. Have thrown up a few times but not nearly as much as last time!
Have a feeling it's a girl but I had the same feeling with Noah. ;-)
Next appt is 9/15.
Will have an ultrasound around 20 weeks. If baby cooperates we'll find out the sex!

11 weeks

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