Thursday, October 13, 2011

19 weeks 4 days

Went to my prenatal appt with the midwives today and the heart baby's heart beat was a strong 147 bpm! I weighed myself this morning and I'm 138 lbs. Still four lbs less than when I got pregnant with Noah! I've been chasing him around the neighborhood while we play baseball and soccer instead of sitting at the liberry all day. Makes a difference! Since I stopped feeling sick at 18 weeks I've been SO hungry. I swear I could eat every hour.

I think we've decided on the name Micah Jude. :) Thought Micah went nicely with Noah and it doesn't seem too popular. Jude is in honor of my mom, Judy, and Brian's uncle, Gregory Jude.

Oh, and I felt him kick from the outside for the first time a couple nights ago! Felt like two little pokes. I feel movement from the inside all the time now.

We're going to see Dr. Dott this Tuesday for my 20 week ultrasound and blood work. Hopefully I'll have more pics to post!

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