Thursday, November 3, 2011

Noah update

Noah has been exceptionally cute while nursing to sleep lately. He'll nurse, unlatch to say something like "awwwwwwwwww, cute heart baby!!" and then go back to nursing. He also pulled off to say "I love you mommy" the other night. :)

His baseball obsession is getting more intense by the day. He now has to go to sleep wearing his glove and holding a baseball. And he wants his bat and hat to be next to him in bed. lol. When we're not playing he's talking about playing. Or watching a baseball movie. He dressed up as a Braves player for Halloween and he was adorable. Baseball and candy are his favorite things in life right now so Halloween was an all around awesome holiday for him. He knew exactly what to do, too. He'd go up to a door, knock while saying "knock knock," and then say "dick or deat." lol. He always took lollipops if given a choice.

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