Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stuff Noah says

"Let's go, mommy!"
"Wanna play doot-doos with me? Yes, you do?"
"Nice to meet you!"
"I pick you up" meaning he wants to be picked up.
"Need a tissue!"
"That too weird."
"That too loud."
"Owls scare Noah."
When I ask him what daddy's name is he says "uhh....Hockey!" and heart baby's name is Baseball.
"Uh oh, poopie!"
"Peed in diaper."
"LET'S GO NIGHT NIGHT, MOMMY!!!" and "let's go night night, y'all."
"Let's play baseball outside" over and over and over.

33 weeks 4 days!

I've been so terrible about updating. :( All of my prenatal appts have gone well. I went to one this morning and Caleb is finally head down! He was breech until just recently. Hoping he stays down. Went to the chiropractor a couple times and I think that helped him flip. My sacrum was a mess as usual. 'Course then I fell over a baby gate and landed on my butt which probably undid everything. :P Anyway, I'm measuring 33 weeks and have gained 33 lbs. Ha. His heart beat was 136 bpm and my blood pressure was 101/68 or something like that. Pee test looked good. Skipped the glucose test and will probably skip the GBS test. I love seeing home birth midwives. So much different than going to an OB or CNM. I just drive over to Debbie's house and get checked out/chat for an hour. Kay played baseball with Noah today while Debbie checked Caleb's heart beat. Kept him from crying. Awesome.

Here I am at 33 weeks: