Thursday, January 19, 2012

33 weeks 4 days!

I've been so terrible about updating. :( All of my prenatal appts have gone well. I went to one this morning and Caleb is finally head down! He was breech until just recently. Hoping he stays down. Went to the chiropractor a couple times and I think that helped him flip. My sacrum was a mess as usual. 'Course then I fell over a baby gate and landed on my butt which probably undid everything. :P Anyway, I'm measuring 33 weeks and have gained 33 lbs. Ha. His heart beat was 136 bpm and my blood pressure was 101/68 or something like that. Pee test looked good. Skipped the glucose test and will probably skip the GBS test. I love seeing home birth midwives. So much different than going to an OB or CNM. I just drive over to Debbie's house and get checked out/chat for an hour. Kay played baseball with Noah today while Debbie checked Caleb's heart beat. Kept him from crying. Awesome.

Here I am at 33 weeks:

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