Sunday, February 28, 2010

Genius baby

Noah peed in the potty this morning!! I held him over it after we got out of bed and he actually went. I've been reading about elimination communication so we're trying it out.

Also, tonight we had dinner with Brian's parents and Noah joined in. He had a few little bites of pork, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and apple sauce. At one point he picked up a piece of broccoli, put it in his mouth, and started "chewing." It was adorable.

He's been sleeping in my lap all evening. Guess we wore him out today.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

6 months

Happy 6 month birthday little man!! I can't believe it. Time sure does fly when you're falling in love :)

I took Noah to his pediatrician appt this morning and he weighs 20 lbs 14 oz (96th percentile) and is 28 inches long (92nd percentile). Big boy!! He got two vaccines - DTaP and Rotavirus. Only cried for a few seconds. The pedi said he's perfect. But we already knew that.

Tried to take his picture this morning and this is what I got:

LOL. He cracks me up. Today he also used a spoon by himself for the first time. Ate a little avocado. Wasn't too sure about it:

And I gave him a liquid vitamin which did NOT agree with him. He barfed more than ever before. Looked like gallons. Poor baby. Won't be giving him that again.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First bathing suit

Today we pretended it was summer instead of cold and yucky.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Quality daddy time

Letter to Noah

I wrote this on April 3rd, 2009. It was an assignment for my childbirth class. Of course I never finished I ever finish anything?

"Dear Noah,

I felt you kick earlier and it made me happy :-)

We hope you like your name; it means peaceful, long-lived, comforter.

Everyone is very excited about your arrival – especially your grandparents. You'll be their first grandchild. You'll also be Mama's first great grandchild!

Midas is already jealous of your clothes and stuffed animals. He tries to sleep on them.

We put together your crib and it's so's going to be even cuter with you in it. We hope you enjoy sleeping in it.

We'll have you sleep in our room at first, though, so you're not scared.

We're taking a class on breastfeeding tomorrow so I can learn how to feed you the best way.

My coworkers are throwing a baby shower for me and my friend Natasha on May 2nd. People you haven't met yet are going to be giving you lots of presents!

We're not going to circumcise you, we want your little body to be whole and free of pain.

We saw your first heartbeat when I was 6.5 weeks pregnant...we called you Bobby the Blobby at the time. You were so tiny.

At our 11 week ultrasound you looked like a real baby and you were jumping all over the place! You even flipped over. The midwife also listened to you through Doppler and we heard you kick.

Almost everyone guessed you would be a girl. It was exciting finding out otherwise on an ultrasound when we were just 15 weeks into the pregnancy. Your Dad had dreams that you were a boy and Grandma Judy's first instinct was that you were a boy. They must be the psychic ones in the family.

During that ultrasound we saw you kicking, whispering, and rubbing your eyes. It was adorable.

Daddy had a dream that you made up a song about your cousin Kristin. You were teasing her about peeing in her pants!

Mommy had a dream that you were born at Kroger during a tornado.

You might be a Virgo like your Dad, Granddad Harry, and kitty. You'll be born in the year of the Ox like Uncle Mark.

We're taking classes to learn how to have the best birth experience for all of us.

Mommy is very happy she's no longer barfing.

We're learning how to keep you happy when you first arrive by swaddling you and creating white noise.

You apparently take after your Dad in the eating meat and NOT salads!

Daddy thought it was funny when I requested a philly cheesesteak during the first few weeks of our pregnancy. I was trying to be vegan!

He also got a kick out of me ordering everything on the McDonald's menu."

25 Weeks

Noah is 25 weeks old today. What? How? Wasn't I just 25 weeks pregnant? Geez. He's been up to all sorts of stuff...rolling around like crazy, sitting by himself (not for very long, though), napping in his crib (once and only for 10 min lol), eating banana and sweet potato, and drinking from a sippy cup. He also had his first snow experience and we took him to his first Gladiator's game. The mascot gave him an official puck!










Saturday, February 6, 2010

So sweet

Watching the rain 2/4/10


As most of you know, I'm a big fan of co-sleeping. It started out of necessity. Noah flat out refused to sleep by himself and I will not let him cry-it-out. We ended up buying a king sized bed and now baby, mommy, daddy, and kitty all sleep together. It's definitely a family bed. I LOVE not having to get out of bed to feed him. If he wakes up he quickly finds a boob and puts himself back to sleep. Sometimes I think I sleep right through feedings! Today we stayed in bed til 11 a.m.!

Sling Ridin' Baby

I've come to love baby wearing. There are so many different baby carriers I want to buy! The Ergo, Mei Tai, and Storchenwiege especially. For now we have a Maya Wrap and a Moby Wrap.

Maya Wrap (Ring Sling):

Moby Wrap:

At first I thought maybe baby wearing just wasn't for us because Noah hated the cradle hold. Once he could hold his head up, though, we discovered he truly loves to face out. It's awesome because I can wear him to the store and he stays entertained with all the sights which means no fussing!

Diaper model

Wearing his BumGenius All-In-One cloth diaper. Love these things!!


Friday, February 5, 2010

The different stages of Noah

Pregnancy confirmed 12/10/08

First Ultrasound 12/29/08

Second Ultrasound 1/28/09

Gender scan (it's a boy!) 2/28/09

Welcome to the world Noah Gregory Tucker!

One month old

Two months old

Three months old

Four months old

Five months old

Noah's birth!

Wow I'm a slacker when it comes to blog posts. Ok, to catch's what I looked like at 40 weeks:

Yes. Gigantic. I ended up making it to Mark and Holly's wedding with a few days to spare! Noah decided to show up on August 26th. I knew he'd come after his due date ;-)

Here's his birth story I posted to Facebook long ago:

Noah's due date was August 20th, 2009. Throughout my pregnancy I kept thinking/hoping he'd be late so I could attend my brother, Mark's, wedding on August 22nd. Maybe all my pep talks worked because he stayed put! Then, on Monday August 24th I went to my final prenatal appointment. My midwife, Margaret, said I was about 1-2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. She could feel my belly contracting and thought I might be in early labor. They did a non stress test to check out Noah's heart beat and track my contractions. It went just fine. I left the office thinking I'd probably be back for another appointment the following week.

That night I decided to give eggplant parmesan a try. Figured it couldn't hurt and I thought it'd be funny if I did go into labor afterward. Met my mom at Provino's and we had a great time. Around 9:30 Brian and I decided to go for a walk. Before we left I used the bathroom and realized I had begun to lose my mucus plug!! I continued to lose more throughout the day on Tuesday. That night we went to bed around 10:00 and I woke up at midnight to pee. Then again at 1:00. Except that time there was more than just pee! My water broke! It started off mostly as a trickle so I decided to go downstairs, check my email, and wait to see what happened. It definitely picked up and contractions began.

I called Margaret to let her know what was going on and she told me to try to get some more sleep. Laid down for a while but couldn't get comfortable enough to fall asleep. Went back downstairs and started timing contractions. They were about every three minutes. Contractions continued to get worse so I woke up Brian. Called our doula, Teresa, at 4:00 and told her what was happening. Finally at 5:00 the contractions were strong enough that I wanted to leave for the hospital so we wouldn't get stuck in rush hour traffic. Our drive only took about 30 minutes but that was a very uncomfortable car ride! Tried to distract myself by singing along to 80s songs in between contractions.

When we got to the hospital the elevator took forever. I remember holding onto the wall, breathing through contractions while waiting to go up to L&D. Once there, Brian signed us in and we were taken to a triage room. Our nurse, Jennifer, asked me to put on the hospital gown and I told her no, I was going to wear my own clothes :-) Teresa arrived a few minutes later and the nurse hooked me up to the machine to monitor baby's heart beat and my contractions. She also checked my cervix and announced I was 6-7 cm dilated! That shocked me. We stayed in triage for at least an hour or two. Teresa was pushing for them to get me into a room with a tub since I was so far dilated. Poor Brian started feeling really sick to his stomach and threw up right before we left triage.

We were eventually moved to a delivery room (with great views of Atlanta) and Margaret showed up while our new nurse, Rebecca, strapped more monitors onto my belly. I sat in bed while she took all the readings and Margaret got the tub ready. After they were done monitoring me I got out of bed and leaned over the window sill while Teresa massaged my back. I was having a lot of back labor. That was no fun! A little while later Teresa said "you could get in the tub, you know..." so I did just that. It was great. The warmth and buoyancy of the water made the contractions easier to deal with. Brian was so exhausted...they instructed him to lay down in the bed and take a nap. Good thing we had a doula :-) Eventually he got up and started helping me with back labor. He pressed so hard on my back for so long he was sore for a few days afterward! Margaret checked my cervix and found I was about 5 cm dilated. She thought the first nurse was probably wrong when she said 6-7 cm.I stayed in the tub for about three hours until Margaret suggested I get out and walk the halls.

Walking made the pain worse. I had to stop every other minute to hang onto the wall railing and moan. Brian would press on my back which helped me cope. After just a few laps I decided I was done with the walking and headed back to our room. Next I tried sitting on my birthing ball and again Brian pressed on my back. I was starting to breathe in an unproductive way and Teresa got me back on track. Saying "OHHHHHH" in a really deep voice helped. Eventually I got back into the tub.

The back labor continued so they had me do an exaggerated sims position to try to rotate the baby. So uncomfortable! Margaret checked me again a couple hours later and found I was 8 cm dilated and 100% effaced. Shortly after that I felt like I wanted to push. Teresa told me to do little grunts during contractions to help with all the pressure. I continued to want to push for the next four hours. At 3:00 I was 9 cm and I didn't reach 10 cm until 7:00! I was so happy when they told me I could begin to really push.

The pressure was overwhelming. Seriously felt like I was going to poop out a 15 lb bowling ball. I pushed while squatting, on my knees, sitting, lying back, holding onto a sheet tied to the bed, etc. It was frustrating because I felt like I wasn't making any progress...seemed like he'd go all the way back up after each push. At this point it was dark outside and a storm was rolling in. I had three midwives, a nurse, Teresa, and Brian cheering me on which was really neat. They kept telling me to push harder but I didn't know how. My energy level was so low after being in labor all day.

I ended up pushing harder than I ever could have imagined and finally his head came out. They asked for one more big push and out came his body. That was such a strange feeling. His body was nothing compared to the head! The cord was wrapped loosely around his neck once which was no big deal. He was so calm and quiet when he first came out. Margaret suctioned his nose and mouth, rubbed his back, and tried to keep him warm by putting towels over him in the water. Finally he let out a cry and my mom came running in saying "I can't take it anymore!!" It was 9:50 pm and she had been in the waiting room since 8:30 am!

Brian cut the cord and started crying. I was too tired and relieved to cry. I think my reaction was more like "WHEW." I got to hold him while we were both still in the water which was awesome. He was so cute. Margaret took him away a few minutes later so they could warm him up. His APGARs were 8/9, he weighed 9 lbs 2 oz, and he was 20.5 inches long. I got out of the tub shortly after giving birth and got in the bed so I could deliver the placenta (what a WEIRD feeling!) and Margaret could repair my 2nd degree tear. Ouch. Teresa helped me focus on something else while that was going on and also helped me start breastfeeding. My dad and in laws came into the room to check out their first grandson. After that we headed downstairs to our postpartum room. Noah came with us instead of going to the nursery which I was very happy about. We settled in for a two night stay and fell in love with our precious baby boy.