Friday, February 26, 2010

6 months

Happy 6 month birthday little man!! I can't believe it. Time sure does fly when you're falling in love :)

I took Noah to his pediatrician appt this morning and he weighs 20 lbs 14 oz (96th percentile) and is 28 inches long (92nd percentile). Big boy!! He got two vaccines - DTaP and Rotavirus. Only cried for a few seconds. The pedi said he's perfect. But we already knew that.

Tried to take his picture this morning and this is what I got:

LOL. He cracks me up. Today he also used a spoon by himself for the first time. Ate a little avocado. Wasn't too sure about it:

And I gave him a liquid vitamin which did NOT agree with him. He barfed more than ever before. Looked like gallons. Poor baby. Won't be giving him that again.

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