Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Letter to Noah

I wrote this on April 3rd, 2009. It was an assignment for my childbirth class. Of course I never finished I ever finish anything?

"Dear Noah,

I felt you kick earlier and it made me happy :-)

We hope you like your name; it means peaceful, long-lived, comforter.

Everyone is very excited about your arrival – especially your grandparents. You'll be their first grandchild. You'll also be Mama's first great grandchild!

Midas is already jealous of your clothes and stuffed animals. He tries to sleep on them.

We put together your crib and it's so's going to be even cuter with you in it. We hope you enjoy sleeping in it.

We'll have you sleep in our room at first, though, so you're not scared.

We're taking a class on breastfeeding tomorrow so I can learn how to feed you the best way.

My coworkers are throwing a baby shower for me and my friend Natasha on May 2nd. People you haven't met yet are going to be giving you lots of presents!

We're not going to circumcise you, we want your little body to be whole and free of pain.

We saw your first heartbeat when I was 6.5 weeks pregnant...we called you Bobby the Blobby at the time. You were so tiny.

At our 11 week ultrasound you looked like a real baby and you were jumping all over the place! You even flipped over. The midwife also listened to you through Doppler and we heard you kick.

Almost everyone guessed you would be a girl. It was exciting finding out otherwise on an ultrasound when we were just 15 weeks into the pregnancy. Your Dad had dreams that you were a boy and Grandma Judy's first instinct was that you were a boy. They must be the psychic ones in the family.

During that ultrasound we saw you kicking, whispering, and rubbing your eyes. It was adorable.

Daddy had a dream that you made up a song about your cousin Kristin. You were teasing her about peeing in her pants!

Mommy had a dream that you were born at Kroger during a tornado.

You might be a Virgo like your Dad, Granddad Harry, and kitty. You'll be born in the year of the Ox like Uncle Mark.

We're taking classes to learn how to have the best birth experience for all of us.

Mommy is very happy she's no longer barfing.

We're learning how to keep you happy when you first arrive by swaddling you and creating white noise.

You apparently take after your Dad in the eating meat and NOT salads!

Daddy thought it was funny when I requested a philly cheesesteak during the first few weeks of our pregnancy. I was trying to be vegan!

He also got a kick out of me ordering everything on the McDonald's menu."

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