Friday, January 2, 2009

We're having a baby in August!

Well, it’s official. I’m in my eighth week of pregnancy. And I am MISERABLE! Nausea all day and night, some vomiting, heartburn, sore boobs, exhaustion, constipation, super heightened sense of smell (can’t even go near the fridge), peeing every ten minutes, etc etc etc! I’m trying not to complain too much because I know this comes with the territory. Still, didn’t realize it’d suck this much. Not sure how I’m going to get through the next 4-5 weeks at work. Praying for January to go by quickly.

I first tested on Wednesday, December 10th and the “+” sign showed up before I could even set the test down. It was DARK too. I was kind of shocked because we weren’t trying to get pregnant in November. I had a chemical pregnancy (where the egg gets fertilized but doesn’t implant properly or has chromosomal abnormalities) back in October and we were told to wait three months before trying again. From what I’ve read, though, doctors just say that because they prefer to have your period back on track so it’s easier for them to date your next pregnancy. I also wanted to wait because I knew a baby conceived in November would be due right around the time my brother is getting married. Well of course, my due date is TWO days before his wedding. Should be interesting!

I ended up testing two more times the next week, both with the same fast dark result. My first appointment with my midwife was on Monday, December 29th. Her name is Margaret Strickhouser and I really, really like her. She checked my cervix and said it had a bluish tint (a good sign). Then used Doppler to listen for a heartbeat but it was too early. She sent me down the hall for an ultrasound where we got to see our little Tuckerling whose heart was beating at 163 bpm! Exciting :-)

6 weeks 5 days. The baby is the little blob inside the black circle at the top left (so technical).

Unfortunately my diet has gone straight to hell due to all the nausea. The thought of almost everything makes my stomach churn. Especially garlic. UGHHHHHHH. Also tried to eat a spinach salad and spit it out. Of course I was able to get down a cheeseburger. Brian just laughs when things like this happen and says it’s definitely his child. He’s good at eating lots of meat and not so good at the vegetables. Today I was up at 4:30 with my head in the toilet. Called in sick to work and stayed in bed 'til almost noon. Been trying to nibble on a whole grain bagel with lots of fiber. And drinking water and Gatorade. Still feel terrible. Gonna stop taking my prenatal vitamin as I think it's really doing a number on my digestive system. Probably try Flintstones chewables or something similar instead. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Stop trying to be like Stephanie! (JK) You know, having a baby around your sibling's wedding...
