Thursday, November 3, 2011

Caleb Glen

We've decided to change his name from Micah Jude to Caleb Glen. Everyone kept saying how Micah was such a pretty girl's name! Ack. And Caleb was the first name we were considering. Brian's friend Glen recently passed away in a horrible car wreck and wanted to use his name in honor of him.

He's been kicking A LOT recently. I can tell he's getting bigger and stronger by the day. Yesterday I could feel him two inches above my belly button!

"No me"

That's how Noah says thank you.

Noah update

Noah has been exceptionally cute while nursing to sleep lately. He'll nurse, unlatch to say something like "awwwwwwwwww, cute heart baby!!" and then go back to nursing. He also pulled off to say "I love you mommy" the other night. :)

His baseball obsession is getting more intense by the day. He now has to go to sleep wearing his glove and holding a baseball. And he wants his bat and hat to be next to him in bed. lol. When we're not playing he's talking about playing. Or watching a baseball movie. He dressed up as a Braves player for Halloween and he was adorable. Baseball and candy are his favorite things in life right now so Halloween was an all around awesome holiday for him. He knew exactly what to do, too. He'd go up to a door, knock while saying "knock knock," and then say "dick or deat." lol. He always took lollipops if given a choice.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

20 week ultrasound

My appointment with Dr. Dott (the backup doctor for Debbie and Kay) was yesterday. He was very nice just like everyone says. He did my anatomy scan himself and said baby looks normal and healthy. :) Definitely still a boy! He's not shy at all. The ultrasound estimated my due date to be 2/29 - leap day. Haha. I think he'll arrive in March, though. Keep thinking 3/8.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

19 weeks 4 days

Went to my prenatal appt with the midwives today and the heart baby's heart beat was a strong 147 bpm! I weighed myself this morning and I'm 138 lbs. Still four lbs less than when I got pregnant with Noah! I've been chasing him around the neighborhood while we play baseball and soccer instead of sitting at the liberry all day. Makes a difference! Since I stopped feeling sick at 18 weeks I've been SO hungry. I swear I could eat every hour.

I think we've decided on the name Micah Jude. :) Thought Micah went nicely with Noah and it doesn't seem too popular. Jude is in honor of my mom, Judy, and Brian's uncle, Gregory Jude.

Oh, and I felt him kick from the outside for the first time a couple nights ago! Felt like two little pokes. I feel movement from the inside all the time now.

We're going to see Dr. Dott this Tuesday for my 20 week ultrasound and blood work. Hopefully I'll have more pics to post!

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's another BOY!

We went to Baby's First Images on 9/17 (Brian's birthday!) to find out the sex of baby Tucker #2. The ultrasound tech put the transducer on my belly and we could tell he was a boy within about three seconds. Haha. Not shy at all. He looks JUST like Noah to me. Grandma Dewey and Grammy tried to keep Noah happy during the ultrasound but he got nervous and upset. At one point he held my hand which was really cute. Then they took him to the waiting room to play. Check out these pics and video:

My last prenatal appt was on 9/15 and everything looked good. His heart beat was 144 bpm. My mom and Noah got to hear the heart beat and Noah has been calling him the "heart baby" ever since. He also likes to hug my belly and say "hi, baby." Couldn't get much cuter.

I'm currently 16 weeks 5 days and weigh 133.5 lbs. Started off at 127. Not too bad. Hoping I don't get up to 191 like I did with Noah! Yikes.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tuckerling #2

My LMP was 5/26/11.
First found out I was pregnant at Shannon's house on 6/23/11.
According to ovulation tests I'm pretty sure we conceived on 6/12/11.
Had a consultation with the home birth midwives (Debbie Pulley and Kay Johnson) on 7/14/11.
Had my first prenatal appt today (8/18/11) and we heard the heart beat! 164 bpm.
I thought I first felt some movement at 10 weeks.
Started feeling nauseous right at 6 weeks. It's been 24/7 and is still going strong. Have thrown up a few times but not nearly as much as last time!
Have a feeling it's a girl but I had the same feeling with Noah. ;-)
Next appt is 9/15.
Will have an ultrasound around 20 weeks. If baby cooperates we'll find out the sex!

11 weeks

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

So sweet.

Noah just kissed my belly, then put his hand on it and said "awww, hi baby!"

Monday, August 15, 2011


We just got back from our annual summer trip to Virginia. Stayed with Brian's Grandpa (the kids call him Bebe) and got to visit Uncle Greg, Aunt Patti, Uncle Peter, Kristin, Claire, Deirdre, and Mike. Noah had a blast swimming, playing with Teddy the dog, going crazy with Claire, and riding a choo-choo train. The nine hour car ride just about killed him each way but he did surprisingly well for a two year old. Lots of whining but that was expected. Here's a pic from the trip:

and a video from the car:

7/26/11 - 23 months old

Friday, July 1, 2011

Braves game

We took Noah to his first Braves game on Father's Day. He loved it and sat on Grandpa Joe's lap most of the time. At one point he fell asleep but every time the crowd started clapping he'd jolt awake and start clapping, too! Soooo funny. Happened six times. It was a fun game to watch and the Braves beat the Rangers.


Noah is going to be a big brother! :) I'm due March 4th, 2012.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Nurse in

Noah and I attended our first nurse in on May 23rd in Forest Park, GA. We were on the news!

"The city council passed a public indecency ordinance designed to protect citizens from lewd acts in public places. The ordinance included one sentence that exempts women who are breastfeeding infants "under the age of two."

"After seeing the overwhelming turnout, city officials took another look at the ordinance and changed it to allow breastfeeding regardless of the child’s age."

21 months!

Taken 5/26/11


Today Noah hummed the Braves war chant while nursing to sleep. Then we heard him over the monitor doing the chant in his sleep. LOL. He also does the chant and tomahawk chop in the middle of the night quite frequently. Think he needs therapy for his baseball addiction!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

20 months!

This morning I woke up to Noah doing the tomahawk chop. LOL. This boy is obsessed with baseball.

He's started saying a few more words recently. Now we have:
milk (pronounced like 'mo')
bye bye
choo choo

I'm sure there are others but I'm drawing a blank now.

He's also mastered tantrum throwing which has been lots of fun!

Oh, and we had a great Easter. Went up to Mark and Holly's house for dinner and an easter egg hunt. Noah and Jake were so cute wandering around looking for eggs. I'll post a video.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

February sucked and other things

Noah got his first sinus infection at the beginning of February. It was so horrible...yellow snot flowing out of his nose faster than I could wipe it away. Then Brian got a sinus infection and double ear infection. A few days later I got a cold. Then Noah got an ear infection (right ear) and Brian relapsed with bronchitis. Right as he got better I got a sinus infection. I mean, really? I'm surprised we all survived. There was so much snot and crankiness in this house. Brian and Noah were both on antibiotics twice. I never went to the doc so I escaped them and healed on my own. SO glad we're all well now!

All of Noah's molars are in and we think he's working on his lower canines. He hasn't been sleeping well the past few nights.

Today I took him in for his 18 month vaccines (Chickenpox and DTaP). Hate seeing him in pain. :( But he was a trooper and then we went to Panera for lunch. I got him a cookie for dessert which he loved.

He's been trying to talk for weeks now. Babbling on and on. The other day he said "Uh wuh yu!" after I said "I love you." :) So precious. And he's been blowing kisses to all the women we see out and about. He's winning a lot of hearts.

Still pooping exclusively in the potty which is awesome. He would probably successfully pee on the potty every time if I left his diaper off. Once it warms up some more I'm going to try that.

We made a floor bed for him next to our bed and it's so comfy. He really likes it. I nurse him down on it and then get to hang out with Brian for a couple hours before bed. He usually wakes up between 11pm and 1am at which point I just bring him into our bed. If I'm too tired to stay up we just go to bed together in "the big bed."

We watched a Braves spring training game today and he was pretending to bat. So cute. He still looooooves baseball. Can't wait til he can play t-ball.

Also, when I give him food that he really likes he says "mmmmm!!!!!!!!!" hehe. And he's still nursing!!

playing with trains!

looking at the flamingos at the zoo

playing "hoccer"

hugging the lorax

watching the Braves

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hair and teeth.

Noah got his second haircut on Jan 19th and he was even MORE pissed this time! The screaming...oh, the screaming. We tried to cheer him up with four lollipops, cartoons, bubbles, hugs, high-fives, etc. Nothing worked...he just looked at us like "ARE YOU F'ING KIDDING ME!?" Oh well, he looks super cute. lol.

He also has three molars now. One on the upper left side, one on the upper right side, and one on the lower right side. Which makes eleven teeth total. He has four in the front on both the bottom and top. When he's cutting a molar we basically all want to kill ourselves. It's really quite horrible. He gets so cranky and wakes up screaming at night. Thankfully he's ok at the moment!

Boxer Briefs!


Noah and I have made some new "crunchy" friends! I'm now the Assistant Organizer of the Sorta-Crunchy Toddler Playgroup of Northeast Atlanta. :) This morning we met a few of them at the soft indoor play area at the mall. Noah had so much fun running around and checking out all the other kids. I caught him hugging a little boy at one point. ;) We also rode the train with his new friend, Brennen. They totally loved it. Must have really worn him out because he went to bed at 6:30 tonight!

We were stuck inside for a week after a snow/ice storm hit us on Jan 9th. We all had cabin fever and I thought I was going to need counseling. LOL. Toddlers should never be cooped up for that long. It was definitely pretty but Noah hated the snow. He screamed every time we took him outside. Can't blame him. I hate the cold, too.

We had a low key New Year's Eve and day. Had dinner at Lauren's house on the 31st. Had dinner at the Tucker's house after hanging out with Shannon, Jon, and Max on the 1st. Christmas was a lot of fun...Noah was SO cute opening his presents! Santa was really good to him. He got a play kitchen, a train set, a rocking horse, t-ball set, lots of books, toy saxophone, kick ball, toy airplane, brown leather boots, a bookshelf, etc. Can't believe he's already been around for two Christmases! What the heck. I took this photo with my new ipod touch:

Oh, and he really REALLY hated Santa.