Thursday, December 2, 2010

15 month check up

We went to the pediatrician on 11/30 and Noah weighed 27.8 lbs and was 32.7 inches long. He got two shots (Polio and HIB) and did great.

New bat!

Some Noah facts

Noah loves to give Max hugs during our playdates. :) And he's great at sharing toys!

He also:

-loves to pant like a dog and do "horse lips"
-laughs hysterically if you tickle his sides
-really enjoys picking his nose
-opens his mouth and shows us his food at dinnertime
-still wakes up every 3-4 hours at night to nurse
-cracks me up by saying stuff like "bob, bob, boooooooob, bob" at 3:00 am
-loves bath time with mommy.
-can't get enough of the books "Where's Spot?" and "Doggies"
-loves yogurt, string cheese, golden grahams, clementines, strawberries, grapes, basically any fruit
-is not a big fan of meat unless it's a Chick-fil-A nugget
-is obsessed with baseball
-turns every toy into a bat
-used his blankie as a bat while nursing to sleep one night
-gets super excited when daddy comes home from work
-loves going to the park and especially loves seeing the ducks
-takes my keys out of my purse and tries to open the front door
-waves to everyone
-dances really well and can get low
-takes most of his naps in the car seat
-is a really laid back dude until he's tired, mad, hungry, hot, cold, etc then WATCH OUT.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

15 months!


We've had a busy, busy month! Noah, my mom, my aunt Janet, and I flew down to Sarasota on November 17th. My cousin Todd and his fiance, Tracy, had a baby girl on October 19th and named her Teresa Gail after their moms. :) She's SO cute!

We also got to hang out with my cousin Kim a lot which was fun. Hadn't seen her in ages. We took Noah to a jungle garden place and he loved seeing all the animals. We also went out for Japanese food to celebrate Kim's birthday with a ton of other family and friends and it was really fun. Sadly, Noah came down with a stomach bug on our last day and threw up all over our hotel bed, at breakfast, in the car, on the plane, etc. Poor guy.

We had a good Thanksgiving...can't believe it was Noah's second one already. We ate at the Tucker's house and my mom and Eileen did all the work. China and Nik joined us which was nice.

Today we decided it was time for Noah's first haircut. It was totally outta control and everyone kept mistaking him for a girl! We took him to Halfpint Haircuts and they did a great job! He was freaked out and screamed almost the whole time....poor thing! They gave us a little bag full of his curls for his baby book. Awww.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Napping with his Braves baseball bat:

So, yesterday I heard water coming out of the refrigerator and looked over to find this:

LOL. At least he's imitating a healthy behavior! He actually managed to get water into the bottle and drink some. I was like, "Holy crap! My kid's a genius!" hehe.

His seventh tooth broke through on November 5th. It's his 2nd bottom right tooth. He was not a happy camper that day.

Today we met Shannon and Max at the park and the boys walked all over the place. So cute to see them toddling around.

Noah also said "dada" over and over today. And we took two baths which he loved. Think that's his favorite activity now. Never thought I'd see this day.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

14 months!

Gangsta baby is now 14 months! And making us laugh - a lot. He can run now and feed himself with a fork. He actually stabs food on his tray and then puts it in his mouth. So cute to watch. He's also graduated to the adult bathtub and likes to stand up while bathing. Last night I took a bath with him and he peed on me! lol. He also swallowed a small silver glittery ball from my Ta-Ta Fairy wand and pooped it out yesterday. Life with a toddler!

Last weekend I completed the Susan G. Komen 3-Day breast cancer walk and my mom (Grandma Judy) was in charge of Noah. We stayed at the Marriott in Norcross and they spent their days eating, going for walks, playing, watching Thomas the Train, visiting me at cheering stations, etc. He still got to sleep with me at night and make up for lost time nursing.

Also, he loves sweet peas. He'll push fish sticks and sweet potato fries out of the way to get to them! Whose child is this?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another tooth!

Noah's right upper front tooth finally broke through yesterday....hallelujah! He was a hot mess. Now he has six teeth. He's been really good about not biting and he rarely drools.

Today his great grandma Jean Lile came to visit from Arkansas. She brought him a cute stuffed frog that he loves.

He's also learned how to nod his head "no" and pant like a dog. He saw a picture of a dog at Target yesterday and started panting...hilarious.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Noah is REALLY walking now! He started walking around the house a little bit yesterday and today he was constantly taking off without assistance. He still looks kinda drunk and it's SO CUTE! He also kicked off the first day of October in a pumpkin outfit:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Noah's left upper front tooth finally broke through on September 21st! And now he's working on the right one. His vampire look is slowly going away, lol.

He also walked from the chair in our reading room to the coffee table in the den. Gettin' GOOD!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010


Happy Birthday, Noah! It was the fastest, coolest, craziest, loudest, most tiring year of my life. ;) Wouldn't change a thing. We love you!

We had his first birthday party on Saturday, August 21st. It was so much fun! Went with a Braves theme since he's obsessed with them, lol. Lunch included delicious pizza from zpizza, salad, and cake. A lot of friends and family came out to help us celebrate - Grandma Judy, Grandpa Harry, Grammy Eileen, Grandpa Joe, Uncle Mark, Aunt Holly, Aunt Lauren, Uncle John, Leslie, Ollivier, Jake, Barbara, China, Nik, James, Neha, Shannon, Jon, and Max! Noah wasn't exactly sure what to do with his smash cake...poked it once or twice but never dove in. Eventually Grammy Eileen helped him eat lots of icing.

Going to the doc is no fun

Just got back from Noah's 1 year check up. He weighs 26.2 lbs and is 31.1 inches tall. He got two shots....Polio and PCV. Screamed like you would not believe. Felt so terrible for him. :(

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Tonight I said, "Where's mommy?" and Noah poked me in the chest. Then I said, "Where's Noah?" and he pointed to himself in the mirror. He also knows daddy, kitty, doggie, light, grandma, China, milk, snacks, potty, and prolly like 5 cuss words.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Noah made a new friend!

His name is Max and he's 4 months younger than Noah. We met him and his mommy, Shannon, at the Attachment Parenting meeting. We've been having play dates which include wine and lots of food. So much fun!

Travels etc.

We've been busy, busy, busy! My mom, Noah, and I went to Pensacola, Florida at the end of July to hang out with China and her parents. They rented an AWESOME condo overlooking the gulf. Noah hated the beach. Screeeeeeeeeamed when we put his feet in the sand. LOL. We were happy to see the oil spill didn't affect the beautiful water. Saw a couple small oil slicks but that's all.

A few days after we got home from Florida we drove up to Virginia with Brian's mom (aka Grammy). Stayed at Grandpa's house and got to visit with all the cousins and 2 year old Claire. She and Noah were so cute together!

Noah's upper lateral incisor teeth broke through while we were in VA and it was not fun. They're still causing him a lot of pain and he's been a real peach to deal with!

He's also learned how to turn on the bathtub faucet. And flush the toilet.

Yesterday we went to a cookout hosted by ASI at Lake Lanier Islands. Noah fell asleep on our way home and I was actually able to bring him in from the car and lay him down in his crib without waking him! He slept there for 40 minutes. It was so weird, lol.

His first birthday party is going to be next Saturday, August 21st! It's going to be baseball themed and the cake is really cute. I'll definitely post pics.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Look out world

Noah took three steps BY HIMSELF today! He looked drunk.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Crawling and standing!

Noah FINALLY learned how to crawl on his knees today! He's been army crawling for months and I wasn't sure if it'd ever happen.

Oh, and he just randomly stood up by himself! This has been a big day for him. :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Stair stepper

Oh my...Noah climbed the entire staircase today! I couldn't believe it. He looked so happy and accomplished when he got to the top, lol.

His lil friend, Camille, came to visit today. He was very interested in her and tried to poke her a bunch.

He also enjoyed some butternut squash for dinner:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Noah pulled himself up on the entertainment center today! And stood by himself without holding onto anything for 10 seconds. He's also been getting up on his knees a lot but still falls onto his tummy when he starts crawling. Think he's too heavy, lol.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

27 lbs.

Noah weighs 27 lbs and is wearing 24 month sized clothes now! No wonder my arms and back hurt.

His new wake up time is 6:45 am and it's killin' me. Guess it's payback for dragging him along for all my long walks. China and I have been walking 6 miles most mornings at the Suwanee Greenway. He does great...just sits back, eats some snacks, takes in nature, and naps every now and then.

He recently started saying MAMA MAMA! So cute.

He's also constantly blowing raspberries. And still pooping in his potty. Oh, and he randomly hates meat now. Mostly just likes red fruit. Watermelon, strawberries, tomato, cherries, etc. He doesn't care for avocado anymore, either. :(

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

Noah's first 4th of July was fun! We ate a yummy dinner with my mom, Brian's parents, China, and Nik....ribs, potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob, watermelon, raspberry pie, apple cobbler, and vanilla ice cream! Then my dad came over with his dog, Daisy, and we walked down the street to watch some awesome fireworks. Noah was kinda scared of them but never cried. He didn't go to bed til 10:30...too much going on!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

10 months old!


Noah just recovered from Roseola. No fun. We're tired of sickness around here...hopefully we'll get a break for a while! He had a fever, rash, irritability, fatigue, diarrhea, etc. Poor baby. :(

Saturday, June 19, 2010


On the evening of June 9th, Noah went crazy. He kept us up during the night with random bouts of screaming. Knew something wasn't right because he's usually a great sleeper. Thought it was just a bad case of teething but he didn't seem to improve so I took him to the pediatrician on Friday, June 11th. He was diagnosed with Herpangina (aka Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease). Since it's viral he didn't need antibiotics. Just kept giving him ibuprofen and also a mixture of Maalox and Benadryl to help his sore throat. The pediatrician thinks he may have gotten it from the pool.

Of course then I caught it from him! NO FUN! Luckily we're both better now.

Oh, and he weighed 24 lbs 10 oz. Big boy!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

9 months!

Noah turned 9 months old on 5/26...and got his first bee sting that day :( Went out to check the mail and I felt the bee buzz by my hair right before Noah started SCREAMING. I felt so terrible. Rushed him inside, washed it, put a baking soda/water mixture on it, gave him some tylenol, let him nurse, and gave him a bath. Luckily the swelling quickly went away. I could tell it still hurt a lot even the next day, though. Poor little guy. Freakin' bees.

Took him to his 9 mo check up at the pediatrician on 5/28 and he weighed 23lbs 6 oz and was 29.1 inches long. He got the first round of polio vaccine and they checked his iron level. It was over 12 which is good! He cried a LOT and it broke my heart. Being a mommy is hard!

Yesterday we went to our third baby sign language class and had fun. We're learning a lot. We also went to Chili's for dinner with China and Nik. I ordered a kid's meal for Noah and he ate almost the entire thing! He had some delicious grilled chicken and mashed potatoes. I also gave him a few little bites of our molten chocolate cake which he loved of course ;-)

Grammy Eileen bought him a walker and he loves it...chases Midas all over the house. So funny to watch!

Oh! I also took him to the pool for the first time on 5/20 and he wasn't too thrilled at first. I think the water was just too cold. He ended up splashing around and having fun toward the end. Gonna take him again when it gets warmer.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Tonight we were reading Goodnight Moon when Noah pointed to a kitty and said "itty!" He's in love with Midas and when I say "kitty!" his eyes light up and he starts looking around for him. :)

Also we started taking baby sign language classes last weekend. We've been practicing a little...can't wait til he catches on!

AND I haven't changed a poopy diaper in over a month since he only goes in his potty now!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

big boy

Noah began army crawling on Mother's Day (5/9)...I swear all his milestones fall on holidays! Guess he's making it easy for mommy to remember.

Today I bought him a booster seat. He can get out of the bumbo now and I didn't want a big high chair that would just take up a bunch of room. He loves it!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

8 months!

Yesterday was Noah's 8 month birthday :) Hard to believe that much time has already passed!


Oh my, I hate teething. Probably more than Noah does. He's been CRANKY as hell lately. On April 22nd his first tooth (bottom left) popped through. Today his bottom right showed up. Poor little guy. I can't get a picture of them...he won't really even let me look at them. I just have to feel around in his mouth. lol. But this is what he feels like:

Monday, April 5, 2010

6 & 7 month photos

Easter and a cold

We had to take Noah to the pediatrician today. He's been coughing and it sounds really rattly. Wanted to make sure he wasn't coming down with pneumonia or something terrible. Thankfully it's just a cold. I feel so sad for him....he doesn't feel good at all. The runny/stuffed up nose is making it hard for him to nurse. Hope he recovers quickly!

Here's a pic from his first Easter:

We went to church and he had a great time looking around at all the people, listening to the music, and watching the ceiling fans. lol. We ate lunch with my mom and later we had dinner with Brian's parents. It was a good day!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Noah pooped in his potty for the first time today!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cutest baby ever

Taken by Julie Moon


Yesterday Noah peed in his baby potty EIGHT times!! The kid is a genius. Whenever he gets fussy I just put him on the potty and voila. He's also realllllly close to crawling.

On Tuesday I took him to the pediatrician for his 7 month vaccines and he weighed in at 22 lbs 4 oz. BIG BOY!!!

We also went to the Yellow River Game Ranch a couple weeks ago. Noah enjoyed looking at the goats and bears.




Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Woohoo! Noah just peed in his baby potty for the first time tonight. Put him on there after dinner and just a few minutes later he went. Oh the things that excite a stay at home mommy! lol.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Noah said dada for the first time today! It wasn't directed at Brian but still so adorable. He was just babbling away all day...da da ba sa do da. lol. He also had his first taste of apple and blueberry baby food. Which he spit up. Oh well...he seemed to like it even though he kept making faces.

Yesterday we had a baby photographer come to the house to do his 6 month photos. I can't wait to see them...he was sooooooo cute. Looked like a golfer in his little sweater vest and hat :)

Also, on March 5th he went on his first airplane. My mom and I took him to my cousin Rachel's baby shower in Bryn Athyn, PA. He was awesome on the plane! No crying at all. He nursed, napped, helped me eat my snack, sat in his own seat for awhile, and looked out the window. He was great the entire trip. Love my little traveler!

Monday, March 1, 2010

New stuff

Bought this decal at Babies 'R Us easy to put up! And adorable, too.

And Noah got his first laptop. I think he's in love....

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Genius baby

Noah peed in the potty this morning!! I held him over it after we got out of bed and he actually went. I've been reading about elimination communication so we're trying it out.

Also, tonight we had dinner with Brian's parents and Noah joined in. He had a few little bites of pork, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and apple sauce. At one point he picked up a piece of broccoli, put it in his mouth, and started "chewing." It was adorable.

He's been sleeping in my lap all evening. Guess we wore him out today.